Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Matt and Dallita Goins

Serving in Honduras, Central America

The Goins family is sent out of West Florida Baptist Church in Milton, FL with the assistance of Baptist International Missions, Inc. After spending a year and a half raising support, the Goins family left on January 1, 2004 to begin language training in San Jose, Costa Rica. They arrived to live permanently in Honduras in December of 2004. During their time in Honduras they have been involved in planting Iglesia Bautista El Faro, a church with an average attendance of 300 and a strong local and global outreach through evangelism and faith promise missions. The church is active in disciple-making and has a Bible Institute to train leadership for the local church. One national pastor has been ordained and is pastoring the second church plant in Santa Barbara, Honduras.

Other ministries under the administrative guidance of Team Honduras are Hope of Honduras children’s home for socially at-risk children and the Rearick Surgical Center, scheduled for inauguration in 2021.

As founding members of Team Honduras, the Goins family have enjoyed working in a church planting team with the vision to evangelize the lost, baptize and disciple the new believers, and raise up churches which will continue that same pattern of local and global evangelization.


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BIMI's short-term missions program offers many different trips. By joining a Connect team, individuals will have an opportunity to use their talents and abilities for the cause of Christ.

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