Baptist International Missions, Inc.

John Paul & Kenzie Jones

Serving in Alaska, Far North

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John Paul was saved in 2015 and baptized at Providence Baptist Church in Ooltewah, Tennessee. Kenzie was saved in 2008 and baptized at Shenandoah Baptist Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. Kenzie and John Paul met in high school at Shenandoah Baptist Academy, Cleveland, Tennessee. Both felt led to attend The Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee. During their first semester, they started dating, but Kenzie was praying specifically about going to Russia. They both prayed that God would give them the same burden if they were meant to be married. At a missions conference they attended, a Native American missionary shared his burden for his people and other tribes around the country. Kenzie and John Paul realized they both had received a burden for the Native American peoples. Throughout the conference, they both received confirmation Scriptures from the Lord of their burden. They married in June 2019. Kenzie graduated with an associate degree in Office Management. John Paul graduated with his bachelor's in Pastoral Ministry and completed his Master of Ministry. They have one son, John Paul "Buddy" Jones Jr., and one daughter, Amelia Paisley Jones, on the way. They currently serve at Providence Baptist Church and are excited to serve the Lord as church planters in Alaska.


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