Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Jeffri & Pamela Polanco

Serving in Dominican Republic, Caribbean

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Jeffri and Pamela Polanco are church-planting missionaries serving in the northern Dominican Republic. They have been serving in Nagua, Dominican Republic, since January 2017. They planted North Coast Baptist Church on April 1, 2018, and have seen many souls saved, baptized, and discipled. Their burden is to plant more churches on the northern end of the country. In that region, many towns have never been given a clear presentation of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jeffri was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. When he was ten years old, he moved to the United States. As a child, he was introduced to different charismatic churches and made a promise that he would never go to church again. When he was thirteen years old, he was introduced to the high school baseball team at Woodlawn Baptist Church, and at his first practice, he heard a clear presentation of the gospel and accepted Christ as Savior. After that, he began to attend church faithfully and sat under the preaching of Dr. Ron Fenwick, and God's Word transformed his life.

Jeffri met his wife Pamela on a mission trip in the Dominican Republic in 2013, and they got married in May 2016. Pamela was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. She grew up in a family that never had any religious practice and where they had an atheist influence. She got saved and is a product of Iglesia Bautista el Faro, a church planted by a BIMI missionary. Ever since she got saved, she told herself, "If someone was willing to leave all that he possessed in America to come to my country to win the lost to Christ, the least I can do is likewise."


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