The distribution of the Word of God is of utmost importance when it comes to the task of worldwide evangelization. The Bible is clear in Romans 10:17 that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So many places in our world do not have ready access to God's Word. Baptist International Missions is striving to put the Bible into the hands of people who have never owned or may have never seen a copy of God's written Word. Thank you for visiting this page of our website. I trust that your heart will be stirred by the needs presented here.
BIMI has set a goal by God’s grace to help fulfill the request of the government of Papua New Guinea to give Bibles to all the students in the country. We have divided the project into phases. Phase 1 is to distribute to all of the secondary schools (grades 9–12). This will take 270,000 Bibles. The second phase will be the primary schools (grades 4–8). In the second phase we will need close to one million Bibles. The third phase will consist of the elementary schools (grades 1–3). We will need 910,000 Bibles. The cost to print, ship, and distribute these Bibles is $3 each. The door is open to distribute 2.16 million Bibles.