Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Stephen & Angela Benefield

Serving in Cambodia, Southeast Asia

Stephen was raised in a pastor's home in Visalia, California and trusted Christ as Savior at an early age. Angela was raised in San Antonio, Texas, and was saved as a teenager through a bus ministry in Napa, California. Stephen and Angela married in 1997 and moved to Cambodia in 2000 to begin their ministry there. God has blessed their home with 6 children: Candace, Deborah, Emma, Stephen, Gabby, and Seth.

The Benefield's ministry in Cambodia has two main thrusts. The first is soul winning and church planting, and the second is literature and resources. They are currently pastoring the Good News Baptist Church in Phnom Penh, the capital city, and they also have a weekly children's ministry in a village in Kompong Speu province. Stephen is the author of numerous Gospel tracts and discipleship and devotional booklets, and there are several additional writing projects currently underway. Please pray for the Benefield family and their ministries, as well as for the precious people of Cambodia.


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