Kyler & Emily Kerr

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Kyler was raised in a Christian home and made a profession of faith at a young age. Though he was active in his local church and had even taken several mission trips, Kyler knew in his heart that he was living a lie. In 2017, Kyler was genuinely saved and later baptized at Arden Road Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas.
Kyler first connected with Zambia during a missions trip in 2014. While in Zambia, the team hosted a Bible conference, engaged in soul winning, visited schools, and spent time working in the bush. It was during one of these trips into the bush that God showed Kyler the work that needed to be done.
Emily was raised in a family that was involved in full-time Christian service. She gave her heart to the Lord in 2011 and was baptized at Trinity Baptist Church in Big Spring, Texas. Emily was called to missions in 2015 after hearing a geography teacher tell of the need for missionaries in countries around the world. Kyler and Emily met at West Coast Baptist College. After graduation, they were married on May 22, 2021.
Kyler and Emily recognize that the indigenous people of Zambia have a great desire to learn and they are responding to the need for more laborers to teach them. They are honored that God has called them to the country of Zambia and they ask you to consider partnering with them as they work to see the lost saved, believers discipled, independent Baptist churches started, and national pastors trained for the ministry.