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Volume 13, Issue 2 SUMMER 2013 Helping Missionaries Get to Their Fields by Steve and Frankie Nutt In this issue of the GI Banner, we are featuring the military missionaries with BIMI who are currently on deputation. Please prayerfully consider helping these missionaries get to their fields. Some have just recently started raising their support and others are moving on well.  Two are ready to leave for their fields: Don and Patsy Drake headed to Germany, leaving in May and Jesse and Lynne Pilalas leaving in July for Japan. Once again, would you consider partnering with them to help them get to their fields soon? Jesse & Lynne Pilalas Lynne and I grew up in military families. Lynne's dad Ed Navato served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 20 years, and my dad Rusty Pilalas served in the U.S. Air Force for over 21 years. We both experienced all the moving while living overseas for several years and having Dad away for temporary duty for months at a time. We wondered what to say when someone asked, “Where are you from?” Even with the difficult aspects, neither of us would trade it for anything. It has become a large part of who we are. One can imagine the excitement then when God called us to serve with military missions overseas! For Lynne and me, it means going to serve in a culture with which we are familar. We understand the importance of getting, keeping and growing military families with the Word of God. We know it firsthand. Military missions is a fruitful ministry! The Lord called us when we were in Okinawa and we saw firsthand what He was doing through military missions. My wife and I are among those who were called while part of a local church established outside a U.S. base overseas. We are eager to serve in this fruitful field, and we ask you to pray about being a partner with us with your prayers and support. Dr. James Kennard, Director Dr. Jeff Alverson, Assistant Director/Editor Steve Nutt, Assistant Editor In Misawa there are several thousand American families who need the Gospel and an independent Baptist church in which to grow. Once the Lord provides our support, we will go to Faith Baptist Church in Misawa to fill that need. The need for us to get to Misawa, Japan, is urgent. Please pray that we can get there quickly. Don & Patsy Drake We were saved by the grace of God in the spring of 1972 at Peoples Baptist Church on the southside of Atlanta, Georgia, under the preaching of Pastor Charles Wright, who is now in heaven. In January the Lord called me to preach His Word, and that summer we moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where I attended and graduated from Tennessee Temple Bible School in 1978. After thirty years in the pastorate, the Lord has opened a new chapter in our lives, calling us into missions to our military with BIMI to go overseas to carry the Gospel to our men and women in uniform. I was in the USMC, a Viet Nam Vet (1968–69); therefore, I understand some of what our military and their families are faced with in these days of war and deployment. I have preached the