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God recently gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel with my Muslim boss in Michigan. He was interested in having a Bible, but since he was more fluent in Arabic than English, getting a Bible was a definite challenge. In an effort to get a Bible into his home, I contacted an outreach ministry asking for a recommendation of a sound Arabic translation of the Bible. After receiving feedback, I ordered a Bible along with some Gospel tracts for my boss. While I was waiting to receive the Bible I had ordered, I saw a post on Facebook asking for Arabic Gospel materials for a Muslim family. The post told their story: This Muslim family was living in Iraq with eight children and recognized that their children had no future there. In an effort to provide a better future, the father moved them to the United States. Two years after they arrived in Ohio, there was a knock on the door. On the other side of the door stood a family from a local church who invited these new immigrants to ride the bus to church. The father worked on Sundays but allowed his older children to ride the bus. Little did anyone know, but that knock would change the lives of this family. The oldest son received Christ as His Savior. His mother, along with the rest of the children, began to regularly attend church. However, since the mother and father did not know English, reaching them with the Gospel was very difficult. Therefore, one of the bus workers posted a request on Facebook looking for materials that could be used to reach an Arabic-speaking family. When I read this post, my heart went out to the church worker as I too was struggling to reach my Muslim boss with the Gospel. A week later to my surprise, not one but two Bibles showed up at my door! I believe God sent me an extra Bible so I could send it to this family in Ohio. I mailed them the extra Bible along with a few Arabic tracts. The day the family was presented with the Bible, the mother was very excited and kept rubbing the cover and thumbing through the pages as she smiled. It was clear she treasured this gift. She has since been reading her new Bible every day and enjoys being able to follow along during church services. Her husband was able to visit the church as well. God had been working in this family long before they moved to Ohio. The day God sent His servants to knock on their door, the harvest was ready and His servants were willing. Please join us in praying for this family as well as my boss and many others like them that God would change their lives and that they would be a great light in their Muslim communities. W Africa Editor’s note: What a great reminder that God is working in people all around us! He is softening hearts and preparing them to receive His Word. Will we be sensitive to those who need Him? Can we be counted on to bring the Gospel to those who are searching for the Truth? 7