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By Dan Bennett
second term, it was just us. Thankfully, one
family came to help shoulder the weight for
one year. When they left, the weight fell heavy
on our shoulders again. We were very blessed
to have some young co-workers for our third
term. They were a tremendous
help in load bearing in the
After I was saved, I went to
Deaf church. It is always easier
Bible college, met a wonderful
to carry a heavy load when
girl, and married the love of my
others are willing to help bear
life when I was 28 years old. I
the burden. Another young
stayed in pretty good health,
deaf couple came to help in the
even though I gained some
work during our fourth term.

weight after marriage. Becky is
Dan &
Becky Bennett
They fit in well, and their help
my helpmeet and companion for
in carrying the load was greatly
life. We have had some wonderful times as well
needed and
appreciated. as some trying times.

I have been blessed with good health for most
of my life. As a young man I lifted weights,
wrestled, played baseball, and did anything I
wanted to do physically. I was a strong teenager,
enjoying the physical challenges of exerting
energy and working out.

When I was 39 years of age, we moved to Brazil
for our first term of missionary service. It was
hard to uproot our young family and begin
learning a new way of life. Our strength was
tested when we began to learn the Portuguese
language. Sometimes our knees almost buckled
under the load we were carrying. The weight
of learning to drive in São Paulo and getting
used to the culture and the way of life in a new
country was stressful, even though we loved
what we were doing. Through it all, God was
using those trying times to strengthen me as
a Christian, husband, father, and missionary.

Sometimes I fell under the load, but as a young
man I was able to get back up and handle the
weight. During our first term, I was part of a team of
pastors. Even though I was in training as a new
missionary, I was able to help the others share
the load. When we started a church during our
Number 1, 2023
We are now more than one year into our fifth
term. At this point, we do not have any help
in carrying the weight of the church. As I get
older, I realize that the things that I used to
do as a young man are becoming increasingly
harder. The same weight we were able to bear
just ten years ago has become quite difficult to
lug around day after day.

We are extremely grateful for the young
couples who worked alongside us when
we were younger, but they have gone on to
different places to minister. In times past,
we were part of teams that shouldered the
load, carried the weight, and bore burdens
together. We cannot adequately emphasize the
importance of working in a team so that the
work can be distributed among more people.

We understand that the need for more good
churches scattered around the globe is urgent.

In those churches, there should be a team
working together.