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Home with the Lord
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints (Psalm 116:15).
Missionary Brenda Arnold (82) went
Home to be with the Lord on Thursday,
November 24, 2022, after a battle
with cancer. Brenda and her
husband, Charles, were approved
as missionaries with BIMI in
July 1969. During a missions
conference in college, Brenda
accepted God’s call to the mission
field. After Spanish language school, she and
her husband drove through Central America
to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. God spoke to
both their hearts that this is where He
wanted them to begin the work of planting
churches. Altogether, Charles and Brenda
established six churches during their years
of service in Honduras.
Retired Missionary Bonnie Frazier (90)
went Home to be with the Lord
on Monday, August 8, 2022. Les
and Bonnie Frazier arrived on the
field of Japan in 1964 and later
joined BIMI in 1973. They had
served in missions for almost half
a century. They were missionaries
in Japan for 21 years and then Les Frazier
became the Far East Director for BIMI
for 18 years. He then served another nine
years as an International Representative for
BIMI. During this time, Bonnie was always
a faithful missionary serving alongside her
husband. The Fraziers retired from active
missionary service in 2012 but not from
serving their Lord wherever they lived.
Robert Meyer (82) went Home to be with
the Lord on Monday, November 14, 2022.
Robert was a Minister of Music
and Youth in the United States
for 13 years before he and his
wife, Shelba, joined BIMI in 1972.
They served in Australia for nine
years. BIMI appointed Robert to
be the Southeast Asia Director in
1984. In June 2014 Robert transitioned into
the position of Southeast Asia International
Representative and in December 2017 he
moved to Southeast Asia International
Representative Emeritus after over 45 years
26 of faithful service with BIMI.
Tom Pace (79), missionary in Peru, went Home
to be with his Lord on November 8, 2022. Tom and
his wife, Carolyn, joined BIMI in 1966.
They were the first BIMI missionaries
to serve in Peru. After studying Spanish
in language school in Bolivia, they
moved to Peru to begin their ministry.
Tom and Carolyn served in the Andes
Mountains for 11 years where they
started a church in Jauja. Their director stated,
“Brother Pace was held in such high esteem
among the town’s people that they wanted him
to run for mayor. Of course, he declined.” The
Paces also started a church in the mining town of
La Oroya, Peru. Tom and Carolyn’s next place of
service was in the capital city of Lima. They built
a thriving church made up of immigrants and
professional people. In 2002, the La Molina Baptist
Church had over 400 people attending. Their
ministry extended to organizing new churches
in Lima, supporting Peruvian missionaries, and
establishing a Christian school.
Bob Zemeski (77) went Home to be with the
Lord on Saturday, December 3, 2022, after a long
battle with cancer. Bob and Kathi joined BIMI in
1977. He was influenced by BIMI missionaries
Freeman Goodge and Don Sisk. The
Lord called him to minister in Ireland,
a difficult field entrenched in Roman
Catholicism. Bob and Kathi went to
Ireland and were involved in a church
planting ministry. Bob organized the
Lifegate Baptist Church in Dublin,
which is still one of the largest independent
Baptist churches in the Republic of Ireland. Once
Lifegate called a national pastor, Bob and Kathi
started another church, River Valley Baptist
Church, where Bob served until his homegoing.
In addition, Brother Zemeski organized the Bible
Baptist Theological Seminary for the purpose of
giving advanced training to European nationals
and missionaries. More than 50 men have received
training through the seminary and are involved
in ministries throughout Europe. Recently, Bob
and Kathi were awarded Emeritus status 43 years
exactly after they arrived on the field of Ireland
on April 5, 1979. God has used Bob to see souls
saved, churches started, and nationals trained for
full-time ministry.