Baptist International Missions, Inc.


List of Africa Missionaries

C.T. Studd, one of the early missionaries to the Congo, wrote, "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." Much is said about the need, challenges, and hindrances to missions work in Africa, but the greatest necessity is simply more committed servants of God who are dedicated to spreading the Gospel no matter what obstacles come their way! Never have there been so many incredible opportunities available for missionary work worldwide; never has there been a more demand for surrendered servants to follow God’s call!

It is exciting to see that the Lord is blessing BIMI with quality missionaries! Missionaries who are willing to go into unreached areas and some to pioneer new regions of the African continent. BIMI has missionaries in almost half the countries in Africa, yet there are still many more countries that have very little Gospel influence.

The challenge for our national pastors has never been greater as persecution has arisen in numerous places around the continent. Praise the Lord for these faithful African men and women who continue on for the Lord! These are the men and women our missionaries are reaching and training who will, in turn, reach Africa for Christ by going into areas where there are no missionaries. May the Lord help us to train more such as these to reach others for Him!

Besides a great host of national pastors, what a great group of missionaries I have the pleasure of working with all across Africa! This past year, our missionaries reported 14,801 decisions for Christ with 19 new churches planted! With over 400 national leaders in Bible institutes , we are preparing to reach this next generation!

Regions of Africa

North Africa
Ancient mosques have been in existence in this region for well over a thousand years, and false teaching has been ingrained in these people for centuries. However, God is bringing a harvest! Although we cannot publish much that happens in this region (due to security issues), the laborers who serve in this area are encouraged more than ever by the number of people who are asking about the Bible and are turning to faith in Jesus Christ! We use a multi-pronged approach of Bible translation, radio, and education, as well as direct evangelism to spread the good news of the Gospel. One of our veteran missionaries has said that he has seen a greater number of salvations and baptisms in the past couple of years than he has in the last couple of decades! God is doing something special in this region, and we anticipate even greater results in the years to come!

West Africa
BIMI missionaries have labored in this region since the early days of our mission board, and the countless national churches that exist today speak for themselves. God has given the missionaries in this area great success as they have used creative approaches - medical teams, literacy centers, and sports events to open areas which were previously closed to a Gospel witness. Now, to God’s glory, these same villages have opened their doors, and the missionaries have seen churches planted as a result! The majority of salvation decisions each year come from this part of Africa. However, there are several countries that are in desperate need of missionaries!

Central Africa
In the central part of the dark continent, is the one with the fewest missionaries per capita and yet, the Lord of the Harvest has called some fine families to minister in this area and in the islands along its coast. One of the biggest challenges these missionaries have faced is obtaining registration in their country, thus enabling them to purchase property and begin the process of building a church for the new believers. The Lord is giving us favor in the eyes of the government of officials, and the Gospel has greater access than before!

East Africa
Uganda, the "Pearl of Africa," is also the pearl of mission work in this region with well over 100 churches planted in this country. The large and diverse team of over 20 missionary families and single ladies are simply amazing as they are constantly searching for new areas that are in need of the Gospel. Their ministry influences are now stretching into Southern Sudan, the Congo, as well as Rwanda. Elsewhere in East Africa, the well-established ministries in both Kenya and Tanzania are continuing to grow and multiply under both their missionary and national leadership. Pray for the new ministries being started soon in Ethiopia and Malawi.

South Africa
This region is very diverse as it boasts of large cities and modern conveniences and medical care, but also has jungle and remote areas with parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe being some of the poorest in Africa. In God's perfect timing, He has answered long-standing prayers for laborers into several countries in this southern area of the continent. Some of the nations are Portuguese-speaking, others use African dialects, while still others use forms of English. We still are praying for missionaries for Swaziland and Lesotho!

Single Missionary Ladies
With sixteen single ladies serving with BIMI in Africa, I want to express my gratitude to the efforts of these faithful servants of God. These ladies work with approved church planters and labor tirelessly, giving of their time and energies, working alongside the church planter. Their ministry partners have expressed the absolute necessity of the participation of these ladies in ministry and some have even remarked that they would not know how to continue without them! They serve as teachers, nurses, and translators laboring for their “family”—the African people. I salute each one and thank God for their tireless labor of love.

We rejoice in the fact that the Lord has allowed His work to advance in each region on the continent. Although we are met with great challenges with security, sickness, personnel, and local government corruption, we also see some incredible breakthroughs and obvious signs of His loving care over His servants. We anticipate an even greater future in His harvest field! Will you be willing to be a part?

Missionaries in Africa (listed with BIMI account numbers)

   Thomas Sharp (#1229)
   Nathan & Christina Fritz (#1529)
   Shane R & Emily Tasker (#1685)
   Karie Ferguson (#1550)
   Robert & Rebekah Mach (#736)
   Bob & Micalah Mach (#1673)
   Kristine McLaughlin (#1333)
   Kristina Premo (#1658)
   Daniel & Rachael Brown (#1522)
   Joshua & Alyssa Clay (#1613)
   David & Rosetta Maskey (#891)
   Caleb & Kelci Caviness (#1589)
   Doug & Amanda Claypool (#1408)
   Joshua D & Julie Mead (#1342)
   Richard G & Laura Badgett (#1266)
   Jeff Demarest (#1209)
   Thomas W & Kelli Lynn Harmon (#1572)
   John & Chrystal Matney (#1537)
   Lynette Osborn (#1626)
   Benjamin L & Lindsay Smith (#1504)
   Anthony & Kristy Applegate (#1295)
   Alex & Cassandra Beauford (#1601)
   Seth & Jennifer Demarest (#1540)
   Daniel & Amie Dwire (#1223)
   D Joel & Vivian J Dye (#1645)
   Matt & Savannah Gardner (#1623)
   Linda Green (#1328)
   Debbie Guimon (#1091)
   Phyllis Hall (#197)
   Kerri Lynn Phillips (#1404)
   James & Cheryl Pridgen (#1081)
   Sarah M Shadrick (#1671)
   Alisha J Stensaas (#1380)
   Matthew & Keila Stensaas (#1065)
   Keith & Sally Stensaas (#793)
   Alan C & Elena P Sutphen (#1398)
   Caleb B & Abbey Turner (#1605)
   Nathaniel & Sara Wright (#1272)
   Geoffrey & Cindy Porter (#772)

Africa Director

Eric & Lori Bohman

Read more about the Bohmans.
He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

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Africa International Representative Emeritus

Ron & Donna Bragg
Read more about the Braggs. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.