Thank you for your interest in CAMP BIMI. The following information will help you understand how this program can help you find your fit in missions. Countless people wonder about God’s calling. They have sincere and relevant questions. However, they do not know where to get straightforward answers. Look no further! You have found the place! CAMP BIMI could be described as a missions revival, a boot camp, a ministry institute, or a cultural experience. It is our goal to take each attendee beyond the concept of adventure and excitement that usually surrounds the idea of being a missionary. Some who felt called before they came do change their mind by week’s end, rather discovering other special ways to serve the Lord vocationally and in their home church outreach program.

• CAMP BIMI is staffed by experienced BIMI missionaries who answer all your questions.
• CAMP BIMI provides a strong foundational understanding of Biblical missions work.
• CAMP BIMI offers many hours of ministry classes in a fun, interactive environment.
• CAMP BIMI educates the student in how to prepare for missions.
• CAMP BIMI helps you understand the reality of missionary life and service.
• CAMP BIMI is a “no pressure” zone and no one is “talked into missions.”
• CAMP BIMI helps each attendee find God’s will for thier life.
• CAMP BIMI helps helps to prevent missionary dropouts in the future.
Our goal is to combat missionary casualties. Thus, CAMP BIMI teaches participants the realities of missionary life and service before they make their final commitment.
Dr. Gerry Baughman, founder of CAMP BIMI, stated, “Speaking from experience and exposure in missions since 1965, I have listened intently as missionaries, from many mission boards, sadly share why they left the mission field.” Each story has a common thread. In response, we have strategically targeted those “thread” areas and designed a focused, yet relaxing, environment to educate and encourage potential missionaries.
It is important to understand that CAMP BIMI will not replace your college education, even if you are a mission’s major. It is comparable to a college modular and will further enhance your preparation for the field. Several Christian colleges give credit for those who complete CAMP BIMI. CB1 covers the basics of missions. CB2 is comprised of advanced classes and practical workshops for those continuing to actively pursue missionary life and service. CB3 has workshops on communication and covers additional critical topics that challenge, advise and encourage alumni in their pursuit of missions.
• Those active in their local church and actively seeking God’s will.
• Those age 16 or older (or entering junior year of high school).
• College students and single professionals (of any age)
• Married couples (of any age)
Click here to download the CAMP BIMI brochure