Baptist International Missions, Inc.

CLAIM (Christian Laymen Assisting International Missionaries) is a ministry of BIMI that allows laymen (and women) to participate in the Great Commission as short-term missionaries. It includes evangelism, construction, medical missions, Bible distribution, mechanics, engineering, computer training and more. We assist BIMI missionaries in the US and abroad. CLAIM ministry has been blessed with souls saved, churches built, and laymen choosing to serve as career missionaries. Everyone comes away from the experience with a burden for missions like never before! We are most grateful for the godly and gracious Christians, from cardiologists to computer programmers, who voluntarily give of themselves to help us.

The purpose of CLAIM is to help laymen identify a need in missions and find ways to meet that need. CLAIM coordinates mission trips and projects for laymen throughout the nation. Men and women are challenged to use their talents on the mission field. Our goal is to help and bless missionaries, and to provide opportunities for laymen to increase their mission awareness. Our primary concern is to send laymen who demonstrate a genuine love for the Lord, have a cooperative, teachable spirit and a servant's heart.

PROJECTS are determined according to need, urgency, available personnel, supplies and finances. Locations vary from the United States to second and third world countries. The Project Director and BIMI oversee project finance. Laymen are notified in advance about the financial details of their chosen project. Laymen are financially responsible for their part in our ministry endeavor. CLAIM policy is to never be a financial burden to the missionaries we help. Participants in CLAIM ministry will be issued an itinerary well in advance of the team departure date. This itinerary will include information such as suggested clothing, accommodations, cost, immunizations, and other pertinent information relating to the project. Each CLAIM team member is responsible for meeting the requirements for a given project.


Our primary long-range goal is to develop leaders who are able to coordinate individual CLAIM projects, lead the teams, raise funds, and develop lay leaders under them.

We desire to see a team of retired, yet capable people, who can go at a moment's notice to the field to respond to emergencies, etc. They will be called "Minutemen."

Missionaries Serving with CLAIM

   Carl & Glenda Vonnoh (#410)

2025 Opportunities

With: Pastor Edgar Pojas and several other National pastors
Project: Evangelistic mission trip
Dates: March 4-18
Deadine: pray for souls to be saved and Christians encouraged in their walk with the Lord
Contact: Contact: Carl Vonnoh

St. Lucia
Missionary: Wes & Faith Ann Bartley
Project: Continuing to build the Bruceville Baptist Church. They are ready for the next stage!
Dates: March 19-April 2
Deadine: February 17
Cost: Flight (From local airport to UVF), plus Accommodations & Food – Approximately $560 US
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith

Good Shepherd Baptist Church, Drummondville, Quebec
Missionary: Jean & Sherley Rousseau
Project: Renovations & Maintenance
Dates: April 14-24
Deadine: March 17
Cost: Traveling expenses. (Food & Lodging are provided.)
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith
Harvest Deaf Ministries
Missionary: Reggie & Kim Rempel
Project: Renovations & Maintenance
Dates: May 5-15
Deadine: April 14
Cost: Traveling Expenses & $200 for food. (Lodging is provided.)
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith

Forest Glen Bible Camp
Missionary: Jeff & Jayne Reason
Project: Finishing up work on the new Lodge & maintenance of current property & cabins.
Dates: June 16-26
Deadine: May 19
Cost: Traveling Expenses & $200 for food
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith
Calvary Baptist Church, Fredericton, New Brunswick
For: Pastor Matt Silver
Project: Work on church building – details to follow
Dates: June 30-July 10
Deadine: June 2
Cost: Traveling Expenses. (Food & Lodging are provided)
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith

Servant’s Heart Camp, Ramey, Pennsylvania
Project: Helping to finish new lodge, food preparation, cleaning, maintenance of property
Dates: August 11-21
Deadine: July 7
Cost: Traveling expenses plus $200 for food. (Lodging is provided.)
Contact: Contact: Philip Smith


To see albums of photos from finished projects, please request friendship on our Facebook page.


Am I really needed on a CLAIM trip?

I was recently blessed as I read the passage in Luke chapter 5 where Jesus told Peter to let down his net for a great catch of fish. Peter, upon obeying, had so many fish that he could not handle them all. The Scripture then says in Luke 5:7, And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. This made me think of the great harvest field today with too few laborers. Our missionaries have so much to do in the harvest, and they need our help. The great thing about this story is that both ships, the catcher’s and the helper’s, were filled to overflowing. If we could only get this concept in our churches! How much of God’s rich blessing are we missing by not being involved more? —CLAIM Member

Do I need to be a builder or have special skills?

CLAIM is a unique ministry. We use Christian laymen to serve missionaries around the world. All of the construction trips have skilled and unskilled laborers. Most trips are labor intensive and require only basic construction skills. Other trips need skilled tradesmen such as plumbers, electricians or masons. Women are encouraged to come. Often the women help with meal preparation which is a great blessing to the missionary wives and the team members. I have not been on a trip yet where someone left thinking they were of no use. Sometimes the greatest blessing we can be is not in construction but in ministering to the needs of the missionaries and nationals. Sometimes our greatest testimony is not what we say but how we are willing to serve. Both men and women, with or without construction skills, are necessary for each trip. Pray about taking a CLAIM trip. You will never regret the time you dedicate to the Lord. —Jeff Randall

How can we get our youth group involved?

Our high school and college students represent a large portion of future missionaries. Unfortunately, much of their attention is easily drawn away by the things of this world. We must get students involved in ministries like mission trips. Our goal is to see God impact the lives of teens in a tremendous way while on the mission trip. Teens and college students can be used to help missionaries with tract and Bible distribution, Vacation Bible Schools, and even minor building projects.

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage (Psalm 16:6).
I can think of nothing greater than teaching your children the importance of serving, loving and obeying the Lord. One of the greatest ways to accomplish this is to involve your family in a missions trip.

Are there CLAIM trips in the US?

Yes! Bill Ferguson probably has the most trips in the United States. He is not limited by its boundaries, but as the Lord works it out, many of his trips are close to home.

Contact CLAIM

Carl Vonnoh
Office: 423) 344-5050 ext. 2419
Cell: (423) 313-5391
E-Mail (View Email Address)

Joe Leleaux
(423) 718-9258
E-Mail (View Email Address)

Philip Smith
Cell: (254) 342-5390
E-Mail (View Email Address)

Chris Heyne
Cell: (407) 383-5007
E-Mail (View Email Address)