Dates: June 10–20, 2024 (10 days)
Location: Trinidad, Beni Province, BOLIVIA
Cost: $2050
Maximum team size: 25
- Full -
Team Leader: Sean Lunday (BIMI South America Director)
Special Requirements: Ages 16–65 in good physical health/medical training welcome but not required
CONNECT Bolivia in conjunction with Amazon for Christ continues the mission of the Great Physician. The team will travel by plane, bus, and boat with a group of medical personnel and evangelists reaching remote areas of the Amazon Basin with the Gospel message. In the jungle, medical care is often a key that opens doors to church planting. The CONNECT Team will have opportunities to work with national pastors in their new church plants and will also be helping BIMI missionary Ernesto Salvatierra to establish his first work in a town where there are no Baptist churches.
Bolivia is one of nine South American countries that shares the Amazon Basin. The Amazon region holds the largest concentration of unreached people anywhere on earth. The small towns and fishing villages of the indigenous tribes in Beni Province, Bolivia, are considered the least evangelized in the country. Efforts during the trip will be focused mainly on the city of Trinidad and the village of Magdalena where Spanish is predominately spoken.
CONNECT Bolivia will be hosted by the BIMI missionary families of Jake Wiebe, Luke Marie, and Ernesto Salvatierra. The team will also be joining in the work with several national pastors.
Each trip participant will have their flight booked from the airport nearest their home to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Additional money may be brought along for activities, gifts, or souvenirs.
Additional Links to learn more about CONNECT Bolivia
Amazon for Christ/AMAZON CONNECT 2020 Report Video
Amazon for Christ/AMAZON CONNECT 2023 Report Video
General Trip Donation Link
Updates and Reports on the Trip