Europe Director
Europe Magazine Online
Read more about their children's home ministry.
Ed & Carole were married in December, 1970, just after high school. Although neither was saved when they were married, in 1973 they came to know the Lord. Very shortly after, Ed felt God's call to full-time service. Following God's leading, Ed & Carole and their three children moved to Chattanooga in 1975 to attend Tennessee Temple University.
After graduating from TTU in 1979, Ed & Carole moved to Winona Lake, Indiana where Ed attended Grace Theological Seminary. After this, they moved to Henderson, Kentucky where Ed was pastor for the following 8 years. In 1989 the Lord called the Hembrees to Mesquite, Texas where Ed was pastor for the following 3 years. It was during a mission's conference at this church that the Lord called them to Romania as missionaries.
In 1991, Ed and Carole attended candidate school at BIMI and were approved as BIMI missionaries to Romania.. Because their children were already grown, they were able to complete deputation and be on the field of Romania in 18 months. For 18 years they worked in Romania and have been used in several different ministries:
• to plant churches, most of which are now completely indigenous,
• to aid missionaries in procuring their visas to stay in Romania,
• to establish a children's home ministry, which has now operated for 18 years and is ongoing,
• to operate a 4 year Bible Institute which has graduated 77 men, more than 30 of whom are pastors of Baptist churches, and prepare the full four year curriculum in Romanian for use by several other missionaries,
• to help start Independent Baptist College of Romania where Ed served as director for several years. This college is now being assisted by West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California. Ed remains on the board of directors.
In 2007 Ed became assistant Europe director for BIMI and in December of 2011 Ed became Europe director. While continuing to oversee different ministries in Romania, Ed & Carole's ministry now has the added dimension of helping other missionaries all over Europe and representing BIMI and the need for world evangelism in churches and Bible colleges throughout the States.
Ed & Carole plan to continue certain of their ministries in Romania while serving as the Europe director for BIMI. Their status remains unchanged, they receive no income other than from the support of churches and individuals.
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Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.
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