Hello, my name is Jimmy Rose. My, wife Nancy and I have been missionaries in the land of Brazil for forty years now. We have four wonderful children. Two are missionaries to Brazil, and one of our oldest boys live in the USA and the other one is in Heaven. We have five grandchildren and two great granddaughters and our oldest granddaughter is married a preacher too.
The work in Brazil
We arrived in Brazil in 1962. We have been able to start six Independent Baptist Churches personally, a Bible Institute and a camp that belongs to the church where we did serve. Since there are no evangelists in Brazil, I also held revival meetings, missions conferences, and evangelistic meetings all over Brazil. We are so grateful for the hundreds and even thousands of souls that have been saved.
How I was starting churches
The first three churches we started we left them when they were ready to be indigenous. Every church that we left we left with a preacher called or trained out of our ministry. The forth church we had been there twenty-five years. It was out of this church that our Bible Institute and our camp ministry were founded.
We felt led to start churches out of our church. Our church has a very active missions program which uses "Faith Promise Giving". We also support a Brazilian pastor full time that is assistant pastor. My boy Terrill Rose works with about seventy young people, and we are all working together to start churches. When we have enough money, we pray for the Lord to lead us to the land to start on a new church. The last church we started had a little house on it. We challenged our people that lived in that area to pray about starting a new church. We had about 20 enthusiastic people. Our church teamed these people together with missionary Sean Sunday and another pastor to start this work.
Both of the new churches started out of our church have grown and are full. One has people standing on the outside about every service.
Our mother church helps support 65 Brazilian missionaries. Fifteen of these came right out of our church.
From our Bible Institute young people have gone out to begin many churches. God is moving and raising up young people on fire for Him. Some of these young people have started churches and now their churches have started churches.
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Read more about Jimmy & Nancy Rose. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.
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