Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Bulgaria - Europe

Bulgaria, located beside the Black Sea in Eastern Europe, is rich with history and conflict. Bulgarians are still striving to lay aside the mantle of 45 years of communist rule, which left them in precarious financial and social order. Besides the legacy of communism, they also share the Cyrillic alphabet and Orthodox faith with neighboring Russia.

The collapse of the communist ideal and successive corruption have left many Bulgarians searching for truth. They are known for their friendliness and hospitality, which makes a great bridge for the Gospel. With only one independent Baptist missionary for seven and a half million Bulgarians, there is great need for long-term missionaries who will learn the language and culture. Would God have you become part of a church planting team in Bulgaria?

Missionaries in Bulgaria:

Europe Director

Ed & Carole Hembree

Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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