On the eastern side of the island of Hispanola rests the Dominican Republic. This island has a population of about 8.4 million. Because of its location, the Dominican Republic is blessed with a sufficient rainfall, which enables it to grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables for profit. The Dominican Republic is a harvest that is "white" and ready to be reaped. Presently, BIMI has six families in this country working primarily in the major cities. Several more are soon to arrive. Even then, the country of Dominican Republic still needs more workers.
It is our prayer that we may see a fundamental Independent Baptist church raised up in every city and town in this immense country. A Bible Institute has been established to train nationals, and our missionaries are assisting one another in the preparation of national leadership. Across the northern shoreline, village after village needs a Gospel witness. In the mountainous interior there are many places in need. Pray for the Dominican Republic that every soul will hear a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Consider whether you might be the one to deliver that presentation.
Read more about the Sprungers. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.
32150 Country Road 112