El Salvador is situated on the Pacific coast of Central America and has Guatemala to the west and Honduras to the north and east. It is the smallest of the Central American countries, with an area equal to that of Massachusetts, and it is the only one without an Atlantic coastline.* The population of the county is just over 7 million and of that number more than half profess Catholicism as their religion. It is the most densely populated of all the Central American nations and Spanish is spoken there.
For many years BIMI missionaries served in El Salvador, establishing several churches which today are completely indigenous, but because of war and other factors, those missionaries had to leave. Out of those original churches, over 50 other churches have been started under national leadership.
Today God is again calling missionaries to El Salvador. In some cases they are working alongside of the Salvadorian Christians. Others are pioneering new works in new areas of the country as there is still a huge need for church planting. Another great need at this time is for school teachers and Bible school professors. Please pray for these laborers as they work in God's harvest field of El Salvador. Can you help?
Read more about the Jones Family. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.
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