Its population is 59 million, mainly of the Roman Catholic form of Christianity where Baptist churches are few in number or influence, but where BIMI has labored for more than 35 years in successfully planting some fine assemblies of believers. There are yet many hundreds of towns and cities where there is a crying need for the first evangelical church to be established.
France is one of the oldest and historically important nations of Europe. It is a major player on the world’s stage. It is one of the world’s major industrial and largest exporters. France plays a vital role in the European Union today.
There is freedom and great opportunity to evangelize. Experienced missionaries who have faithfully served in France for years will be glad to share their compassion for these great people. Contact the European Director for further information.
Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.
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