The initial effort of BIMI missionaries to Mexico targeted the Northern and Southern regions of our neighbor to the South. From there our missionaries have reached out to cover the Central, Gulf, and Pacific regions of Mexico. Since then the amount of missionaries as well as the churches established have steadily increased. Today, more than 50 churches have been established throughout the country as a result of our missionaries. Contrary to what some might think, Mexico is still very much a needy mission field. Though its proximity to the USA has resulted in the presence of much missionary personnel, there are still many areas that have not been reached with the gospel. How we pray that God would provide laborers with a vision to plant churches especially in the southern part of the country.
Two seminaries have recently been established, one in the State of Chiapas and the other in Mexico City, which aid in the further training of national pastors. Qualified and experienced men are needed for this important ministry.
We also pray that God will provide missionaries trained in the area of printing and graphic arts. Our vision is to begin a Christian literature ministry that will serve the entire Central American region.
Read more about the Jones Family. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.
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