Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Namibia - Africa

The country of Namibia, covered by the desert, presents a serious challenge to the church. Many of the 2 million inhabitants live in poverty. Nearly 25% of adults and youth are infected with AIDS. Namibia needs the Lord.

Although 80% of the population considers themselves Christian, a much smaller percentage actually has a personal relationship with Christ. There are indications that many are turning away from the scripture and are no longer open to the Gospel. While this may make Namibia a more difficult field, it also makes it a needy field! Who will cross this border for the sake of the Gospel?

Missionaries in Namibia:

Africa Director

Eric & Lori Bohman

Read more about the Bohmans.
He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

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Africa International Representative Emeritus

Ron & Donna Bragg
Read more about the Braggs. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.