Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Nicaragua - Central America

BIMI began its first thrust into Central America by working in the country of Nicaragua. In 1960 the work began in the city of Managua and as a result of that ministry and others, today there are almost 200 churches in and around the capital city. Though years of war and internal conflict limited the presence of missionaries, Nicaragua is once again a friendly and safe environment for American missionaries. Church planters are needed for the other larger cities as well as men willing to help with the training of pastors within the already established Bible Institute.

Read More about the churches in Nicaragua:
Missions For Nicaragua

Missionaries in Nicaragua:

Sabina Dayton
Ricardo J & Angela Portillo
Daniel & Heather Sutton

Central America Director

Terry & Kaye Jones

Read more about the Jones Family. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

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