Since 1975, BIMI has had representation on the Island of Puerto Rico. Dr. Glen Foster was first to begin a work in the San Juan area. About the same time, Al Sligh came and built a military ministry near Roosevelt Roads Naval Base. Since then the BIMI family on Puerto Rico has grown to include 21 individuals. Ten fundamental independent Baptist churches have been established, and new areas are being targeted.
The island of Puerto Rico has approximately 4 million people. Being a commonwealth protectorate under the United States, it has enjoyed substantial economic development. With economic prosperity came a spirit of materialism which has invaded the culture and heart of the people. It is estimated that 85% of the people are Roman Catholic. Puerto Ricans are very religious, therefore, nearly every cult has been established in Puerto Rico. There is a great need to start more fundamental Baptist churches in this island.
Pray that the Lord would send labors into this harvest field.
Read more about the Sprungers. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.
32150 Country Road 112