Despite the 1989 uprising which ended the rule of President Nicolae Ceausescu, former Communists dominated politics until 1996. Romania has taken longer to shake off its Communist past than many of its East European neighbors.
Economic restructuring remains at the top of the agenda if Romania wants to achieve its hope of European Union membership.
The population of Romania is 22.5 million. The capital is Bucharest. The major language is Romanian and the most influential religion is the Orthodox Church.
There are many strong Baptist Union churches. However, BIMI is now recognized by the government as an independent Baptist identity which is totally apart from the long established Union churches. Independent Baptist pastors are now being trained to establish independent Baptist churches in sound Bible institutes in areas such as Lugoj, Jud Timis, where Ed Hembree serves. Other BIMI personnel serve in other areas of the country in church planting, youth ministries, and summer camp programs. For example, during the summer of 2002 Tom Gentry brought together 2400 young people. Many came to faith in Christ. We thank God for all BIMI missionaries who are serving and for those who are presently preparing to serve in Romania very soon.
Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.
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