Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Russia - Europe

The Congress of People’s Deputies voted in September 1991 to dissolve the Soviet Union. This led the way for missionaries to enter Russia. Cultic groups like Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons (Church of the Latter Day Saints) have brought into Russia their doctrines.

Gospel preaching servants of Christ have also enthusiastically entered many areas of this vast land to preach the Word. Subsequently summer camp ministries, youth groups, radio and TV outreach, and Bible Institutes have been means to further the work of God used by many organizations as well as the work of church planting.

Even before the collapse of Communism there was made by BIMI an investigation as to how to best reach these great people with the Gospel. A dream was devised to print and deliver one-million New Testaments and whole Bibles. Ten years later BIMI announced that this was accomplished. Still, this ministry goes on as the Lord provides the means because tens of thousands have yet to hold their first copy of God’s Word in their hands.

For more than ten years church-planting BIMI missionaries have labored in Russia as well as in many of the other former Communist countries. Praise the Lord for what has been accomplished. There are still great needs for church planters, youth workers, deaf interpreters, and Bible Institutes to train leaders for the future. Presently our ministries are in the general areas of St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Siberia. Contact the European Director to be put in touch with ways you can help.

The population of Russia is 148 million. The major religions are Orthodox Christianity and Islam spanning ten time zones. Orthodox Christianity is the religion held by 80% of the Russian people. There are, however, many Muslims concentrated among the Volga Tatars and Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus. There are hundreds of communities without a single Baptist church. What can you do to reach these great people with the Gospel?

Europe Director

Ed & Carole Hembree

Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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