Sao Tome and Principe - Africa
Current Churches & Ministries
Located on the equator 120 miles off the western coast of Africa, São Tomé & Príncipe is a tropical island country that has, for the most part, remained unknown to the world. Gaining its independence in 1975, and today having a population of less then 180,000, it is a rather young and unique country as African standards go. Strongly influenced by its history as a Portuguese colony and formed around the cultural groups of the slaves that were brought there, São Tomé & Príncipe has developed its own identity revealing both echoes of its past and the presence of its people, who are proudly and properly known as São Tomeians.
Unreached areas/peoples
Though strongly Catholic as a nation, its people are tolerant and accepting of other religions, a fact that has kept the door of opportunity opened. Over the years, the increase of churches has been dramatic, yet to date, an Independent Baptist Church has never been started. The Gospel is present on São Tomé & Príncipe; however, its potential has been severely dampened by emotionalism, tradition, error, and the intense practicality of life. Most people go to their church believing that in fulfilling its teachings they will please God, who will, in turn, thank them by giving blessings such as good health, success, wealth, etc. The concept of a personal relationship with God through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ is all but unknown, and confusion is rampant.
Special projects/opportunities
BIMI has one missionary family working on the islands, and there continues to be a great field of opportunity for church planting missionaries on São Tomé & Príncipe. Coupling evangelism with basic teaching, training, and discipleship of those who come to Christ, the impact of the Gospel can have far-reaching effects. The field of São Tomé & Príncipe are in tremendous need of laborers to plant the Truth of the Word of God. Will you be one to bring the seed of the Gospel to the ripe and ready hearts of the Sao Tomeains?