Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Virgin Islands - Caribbean

In the 1956 Ray Thompson organized Calvary Baptist Church in Charlotte Amalie in St. Thomas. Out of this ministry Bluewater Bible College (BBC) emerged. BIMI missionaries have been very active in the administration and instruction at BBC. On the island of St. Thomas, there are four churches, which were started by BIMI missionaries and have national pastors. On the island of St. Croix, there are four churches with pastors who have graduated from the Bluewater Bible College. Throughout the islands of the Caribbean, graduates of Bluewater Bible College have planted churches and established excellent ministries.

Pray for the ministries in the Virgin Islands. Pray for the future ministry of the Bluewater Bible College. Pray for students, faculty, and lay people to help in this ministry.

Missionaries in Virgin Islands:

Audley & Consie Charlton

Caribbean International Representative

Gary and Joy Sprunger

Read more about the Sprungers. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

32150 Country Road 112
Robertsdale, AL 36567

Sending Church:
Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church
2550 West Nine Mile Road
Pensacola, FL 32534

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