Baptist International Missions, Inc.

The Far North

List of Far North Missionaries

The Far North is a land of many extremes, contrasts and breathtaking beauty. The weather is continually a factor in the Far North as record temperatures range from 100° above zero to 80° below zero. Lifestyles range from subsistence living in small villages of less than 100 people, to technologically advanced living in large cities numbering in the millions.

There is no way to calculate how many missionaries it would take to evangelize all the towns, villages and cities in the Far North. Close to 34 million souls live in Alaska, Canada and Greenland — many of whom have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Far North missions is not for everyone, but for everyone whom God calls to the Far North there is certainly a place for them. The spiritual and physical climate of the Far North may be challenging, but the potential of what God can do through a called and surrendered missionary is unlimited. Please pray about your role in getting the Gospel to the area of God’s harvest field which BIMI calls "The Far North."

Missionaries in the Far North (listed with BIMI account numbers)

   Kelli Reese (#1249)
   Joel & Holly Buckingham (#1558)
   Wesley R & Rebecca Burns (#1448)
   Eric & Melissa Leveille (#1462)
   Cory J & April McTague (#1387)
   Nathaniel & Christy Minion (#1518)
   Randall & Ellen Mumper (#608)
   Jonathan D & Angela Oehlert (#1202)
   Gerald A & Marguerite Pauley (#625)
   Daniel & Jennifer Post (#719)
   Jocelyne Rioux (#1245)
   Jean & Sherley Rousseau (#1218)
   Dwight & Ruth Talbot (#1299)
   Tom & Cathy Talley (#311)
   David H & Marsha West (#365)
   T Gage & Aleah E Gilbert (#1595)

Interim Far North Director

Robert & Jennifer Larson

Read more about the Larsons. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

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