Joe & Linda Leleaux
Serving with
Serving with BIMI since 1983
We are one of several missionary families serving in the CLAIM ministry. CLAIM, Christian Laymen Assisting International Missionaries, is an organized ministry of Baptist International Missions, Inc., whose purpose is to help identify a need in missions and find ways to meet that need. CLAIM missionaries coordinate teams of laymen for projects throughout the world. Men and women are challenged to use their talents on the mission field.
• Encourage missionaries and their families
• Edify the national believers
• Evangelize the lost
• Enlist volunteers for projects
• Endear laymens' hearts for missions
Is there a need for such a ministry? Yes, CLAIM is a vitally important ministry!
When the Tabernacle in the wilderness was built, there were those who made financial contributions and those who did the work. The same could be said of the Temple in Jerusalem. When Jerusalem lay in waste, the cry in Nehemiah 2:18 was
Let us rise up and build.
• Report specific needs for
CLAIM projects to supporters
• Raise needed work funds for CLAIM projects
• Recruit teams and coordinate several CLAIM trips per year
We are totally dependent upon the Lord and His people to care for our needs and those of the ministry. No finances, either personal or work related, are provided by BIMI.
Furthermore, it is CLAIM's policy to never be a financial burden to the missionaries we are helping.
We have served as missionaries with BIMI since 1983, and we are sent by Calvary Baptist Church in Red Bank, Tennessee.
We served four terms on the foreign mission field.
From March 1986 through June 1991, we ministered to the US Military at Hahn Air Base in Germany.
From January 1993 through August 1996, we ministered to Canadian military at Base Borden, Ontario, and American military stationed in North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Without taking a much needed furlough, we moved to Chatham, Ontario, in an effort to recover Maple City Baptist Church, an established but struggling work. From September 1996 through June 2001, we labored to rebuild the walls and turn the work over to a pastor.
After a brief furlough, we relieved missionary Sammy Popwell at Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, Puerto Rico, where we served from January 2002 through June 2003.
Each of the ministries we have been involved with have not only required evangelistic efforts but also have included renovation and construction projects. In January 2004, with this experience in mind, we became Team Leaders in the CLAIM ministry of BIMI.
Since becoming a part of the CLAIM ministry, we have had the privilege to lead an average of six volunteer teams per year. As the Lord increases our level of support, we hope to be involved in several more per year. May the Lord bless you as you prayerfully consider having us present the CLAIM ministy in your church.
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