Daniel & Raquel Akuokoh
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Daniel was born in Shady Grove, Maryland. Three months later, his parents sent him to Ghana to live with family members. For eight years, he had many struggles, including battling malaria he contracted at age one. When Daniel came back to the States, he started attending Frederick Baptist Church in Frederick, Maryland. He was led to the Lord by his mother in 2007 and baptized the same year. Daniel received a partial scholarship to Penn State University, but after he attended a Bible camp, God led him to do mission work in Ghana. He attended Commonwealth Baptist College and graduated 2019. While working on a bus route, Daniel met Raquel. Raquel was born in Mexico and reared by her Christian grandmother from age three to age six. She came to the United States at age seven, lived with her mother and then her aunt. Raquel was saved and baptized in 2012 and later surrendered to full-time ministry. Daniel and Raquel were married July 28, 2018. They continue to seek God’s will daily and motivate each other to live for the Lord the best they can. Following deputation, they plan to intern with veteran missionaries in Ghana.