Dr. Glen Foster
Dr. Glen and Helaine Foster joined Baptist International Missions, Inc., in 1972. He and his dear wife, Helaine, served in Puerto Rico for over 25 years. They had the joy of seeing four fundamental Baptist churches established during their service there. After Helaine suffered some disabling strokes in 2000, Glen had to bring her back to the United States for proper care. During the next 12 years they were located in Florida where they have worked in Spanish churches. In April 2012 Helaine went home to be with the Lord. Although Glen and Helaine were Stateside, their hearts were with the Hispanics of Puerto Rico. After much counsel and support of his pastor, Glen prayerfully decided to make himself available to assist missionaries in the Caribbean and around the world.
Dr. Foster has a rich history of experience; he has started four churches, pastored two churches, started and directed summer Bible camps with up to 500 campers, organized pastor fellowships, started Emmanuel Baptist University in Puerto Rico, founded track and field events for the Christian schools in Puerto Rico, started and developed youth rallies in Puerto Rico, preached Bible conferences and much more.
Brother Glen has a missionary pastor's heart. Since he is fluent in Spanish and English, he will be a great asset to missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries around the world. Generally speaking, it takes missionaries much longer than one term to plant a church and to develop the leadership for autonomy and self-propagation. Dr. Foster is available to assist furloughing missionaries so that they will be able to leave on short-term furloughs, knowing that their replacement will continue the ministries that they have started. It is the desire of Brother Glen to stand in the place of the missionary and sustain the ministry until the furloughing missionary returns. This way the local ministry will not regress. There has always been a great need to find replacement missionaries, but now through ARM Dr. Foster will be available to be part of an active pool of laborers who are ready and able to meet the need.
We are encouraged to have Dr. Glen Foster working in this replacement ministry. He will be a great asset and blessing to our missionaries in the Caribbean and to those around the world. Would you place him on your prayer list? Your prayerful support of Dr. Foster is much appreciated.