Eric & Jessica Curtis
Serving in
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Eric grew up in a christian home, and placed his faith and trust in Christ at the age of five. During his late teen years he surrendered to serve the Lord in full time Christian service. Jessica grew up in a pastor’s home and placed her faith and trust in Jesus Christ as her Savior also at the age of five. She surrendered to full time christian service at a youth conference as a young teenager. We started courting in high school and we were married on June 8, 2002. Immediately we got involved serving in the ministry. Since then we have been privileged to serve 2 years as a youth pastor’s family, 9 years as a missionaries to Ukraine, almost 7 years as the Pastor’s family of Victory Baptist Church, and now the Lord is directing us back to the mission field to serve in Africa, in the country of Malawi. From the very beginning of our marriage we have had a special burden and heart for missions, and at each stage of our lives together we have told the Lord we are surrendered to go and serve Him wherever he wants us.