Ethan & Lydia Donoho

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Ethan was saved in 2002 and baptized at Hopewell Baptist Church in Napa, California. In 1996, Lydia was saved and baptized at Heritage Baptist Church in San Leandro, California. Ethan and Lydia met in the fall of 2009 while attending Golden State Baptist College in Santa Clara, California. While they did date briefly in Bible college, it was not until 2014 that they rekindled their relationship and began to date seriously. After six months of dating, Ethan proposed and the couple was married in September 2015. They served for the next two years as laypeople at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California, until God called them to Northeast Indiana to serve in full-time ministry. Ethan has served as the youth pastor of Roanoke Baptist Church since 2017. He also helps in the Christian school, bus ministry, VBS, and wherever needed. Lydia has served in the teen department, VBS, and as the nursery director. The Lord has blessed them with two beautiful daughters, Zoe and Chloe. Ethan and Lydia are very excited to follow the Lord’s call for them to serve in Bolivia, South America.