Eva Marguerite Gentry

Serving in
The Lord called my husband, Tom, and me to the country of Romania as missionaries. In 1991, we attended Candidate School at BIMI and were accepted as missionaries to Romania and Eastern Europe.
We served in remote northern Romania for 19 years. During this period, Hope for the Future ministries was established. My husband and I were greatly burdened for the young people of Romania who had been through the communist dictatorship, which had so recently been put out of power there. The Lord led us to start a camp ministry. This, in time, became quite large, and for a number of years, we had a School of Missions.
A branch of the Hope for the Future ministry was begun in Malawi, Africa. God led my husband to start a ministry in Africa, administered by Romanian people. This ministry was to be a place for the students of the School of Missions to serve if called of God. The ministry continues today and is greatly blessed of God. The branch of the Hope for the Future is in Zomba, Malawi, Africa, and it is operated by my son-in-law and daughter.
Tom was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. In the year 2010, we came off the field and my husband passed on to heaven in 2011. Since Tom’s death, I have continued to live in Omro, Wisconsin, where I serve in my sending church, Wyldewood Baptist Church.
The Lord has given me the opportunity to continue working closely with the ministry in Romania, sending out prayer letters and gathering support to help keep the ministry going there. I also have continued to work with the ministry in Malawi, Africa, giving advice when asked and helping with funding for special projects there through my prayer letters.
Through my home church of Wyldewood Baptist, I work in the Wednesday night program for children. This is the King’s Kids program and a real blessing to all involved. There is a print shop at Wyldewood also. This ministry is “Bearing Precious Seed.” They send out Scripture to many places throughout the world. I go weekly to help put the Scriptures together. I help in the church in any way I can. My goal for the remainder of my life is to bring Glory to the name of God through service to Him.