Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Sarah Goodman

Serving in Brazil

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Raised in a Christian home, Sarah Goodman accepted the Lord as a young girl at Mt. Zion Baptist Camp. The following year at that same camp, God began working on her heart as she listened eagerly to missionary stories every morning. This desire followed her home where she eventually began telling missionary stories of her own to the children’s classes at her home church. As a young teenager, the Lord began growing an additional passion in Sarah’s life for the medical field. She began seriously considering how God could use both of these passions together to reach fields that were particularly challenging—both in physical health and spiritual. Although uncertain of God’s full plan, Sarah graduated from nursing school in 2020. During her first mission trip to the Vale do Javari (Amazon River Basin), God cemented His will in Sarah’s heart as she saw the value of using medical care to soften the hearts of the small river villages and tribes that were otherwise resistant to the Gospel. With a passion for both medical and spiritual care, Sarah plans to return to Brazil’s Amazon River Basin and assist church planters in continuing the mission of the Great Physician.


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BIMI's short-term missions program offers many different trips. By joining a Connect team, individuals will have an opportunity to use their talents and abilities for the cause of Christ.

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