Brett & Jenny Hoffman

Serving in
New Zealand,
Southeast Asia
Our Deputation Video
Our Prayercard
Jenny & I met at our sending church, West Florida Baptist Church, in our singles Sunday school class. Shortly after we started dating, we began to work in different ministries of our church. During the time we were serving, we both knew that God wanted something more from us. We didn’t know what that “more” was, so we kept serving and doing what we had been doing. We both began to pray and ask God to show us what else He wanted us to do and trusted He would show us when the time was right.
During a Wednesday evening service while listening to a missionary update, the Lord used their video to call us as church planting missionaries to New Zealand. Through prayer, counsel and God’s Word the Lord confirmed in our heart His calling on our lives. We are excited about what God has done and what He is going to do.
Where We’re Going and Who We We’ll Work With
Shortly after our survey trip, the Lord confirmed in our hearts that He wanted us to start our ministry in Ashburton, New Zealand under the leadership of Veteran Missionary Michael and Nancy Grove. He is the pastor of Victory Baptist Church there in Ashburton. While all the details of the work we will be doing has not been finalized we know that is where God would have us. We will work with them until we have our residency and then as the Lord leads we will start another church with the goal of turning that work over to a national pastor.
Our Prayer Letters
February 25
January 25
October 24
June 24
April 24
February 24
November 23
August 23
May 23
March 23
January 23
November 22
September 22
April 22
February 22
December 21
September 21
July 21
May 21
March 21
January 21
November 20
September 20
July 20
May 20
March 20
January 20
October 19
July 19
May 19
March 19
January 19
Our Ministry Goals
Church Planting - Our goal once we become residents of New Zealand is to plant churches and turn them over to trained national pastors
Soul Winning - Through a number of outreach opportunities including letterboxing and daily contact with our communities
Discipleship - To teach, equip and prepare new believers for service in the Lords work
Training - To further train the believer in the gospel and doctrine of Jesus Christ that they may boldly proclaim the word of God
Our Contact Info
Email –
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Phone – Brett Hoffman – 850-910-2952
Sending Church – West Florida Baptist Church
Prayer Requests
• That New Zealand would be saved
• That God would raise up national pastors to take the churches He allows us to start