Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Sam and Juliana Hutchens

Serving in New Zealand, Southeast Asia

Sam & Juliana Hutchens are both children of church planting missionaries. Sam lived as a teenager in Canada, and Juliana was raised on the field of Japan. Following God’s call to missions in their own lives, they attended West Coast Baptist College where they met and dated. They were married in January of 2013 and went on to serve on staff at Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College for four years. Late in 2015, the Lord directed them to Christchurch, New Zealand, and they began deputation in August of 2016. They moved to New Zealand in January of 2018, and have since helped to organize the Lighthouse Baptist Church. Their current calling is to continue to pastor in Christchurch, and assist in planting churches throughout the country of New Zealand. They have two daughters, Emma (10/7/2015), and Alexa (4/7/2018) and have a third daughter due in October of 2020.


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Connect Trips

BIMI's short-term missions program offers many different trips. By joining a Connect team, individuals will have an opportunity to use their talents and abilities for the cause of Christ.

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