Robert & Amanda Leonard

Serving in
Puerto Rico,
Personal website
Robbie was saved at the age of five, shortly before going to the mission field of Jamaica with his parents, Tim and Roxanne Leonard, BIMI missionaries. After returning to the states, Robbie was able to attend Tabernacle Baptist College, and move on to work in various camp and church ministries.
Amanda was raised in a Christian home and heard the Gospel preached many times. While attending a summer camp meeting at the age of 10, she felt the Lord convicting her of her need of Salvation. She finally understood she had to personally come to Christ, confess her sins, and accept His free gift of salvation.
Robbie and Amanda were married in January 2009, and in the same year the Lord lead them to serve Him at Edgewood Baptist Church as Youth Pastor under the leadership of Pastor Jim Lilley. They served faithfully in the children and youth ministries, the music department, and the bus ministry.
The Lord blessed them with three wonderful children, Alyssa, Brianna and Benjamin.
Robbie and Amanda began deputation in 2015 to serve in the Fiji Islands. After completing their first term, the Lord closed the door for them to return. God then led them to assist with the work at Maranatha Baptist Church in Ceiba, Puerto Rico with veteran Missionaries Jerry and Liz Harmon.