Patrick & Lisa McCoy
Serving in
Island of Oahu, Hawaii,
Far East
Pat was saved when he was only 6 years old, and Lisa was saved after Pat invited her to church and she heard a clear presentation of the gospel for the first time at the age of 24. While serving in their local church in West Virgina, the Lord called them to be missionaries, specifically to the native people of Alaska. They packed up everything they owned and headed north.
First Church Plant
God used them to start Lighthouse Baptist Church in Unalakleet Alaska, an isolated Eskimo village only accessible by plane, boat, or snowmobile. Many souls were saved through their ministry and various outreaches were established. One such ministry was providing opportunities for other missionaries to serve. This was used as a springboard to help them go and start churches in other Alaskan villages. After 20 years, the Lord impressed upon their hearts to turn the work over to another family from Alaska and plant another church, this time in Hawaii.
Current Ministry
In March 2023, Pat, Lisa, & their son, Levi, arrived on the island of Oahu and started the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Waialua on March 12. Please pray for souls to be saved, continued growth of this church, and what part God would want you to have in this ministry.