Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Philip & Susan Smith

Serving with CLAIM


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Address: 647 CR 168
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768

Philip and Susan Smith were accepted into the CLAIM ministry (Christian Laymen Assisting International Missionaries) in 2009. Since that time they have led teams of volunteers to assist missionaries on nearly 100 projects in countries all over the world. They believe strongly that this ministry plays a vital role in keeping missionaries on the field doing what God has called them to do, but CLAIM does more than encourage the missionary. CLAIM benefits everyone involved!

- CLAIM benefits the local church on the field - There is an excitement in the air when a team of volunteers shows up to help the local church. Church members show up to and work beside them providing sweet fellowship, and curiosity in the community as well as activity on the building site draws visitors to the services. The improvements to the building are an encouragement and inspiration for growth.

- CLAIM benefits the volunteer. As he/she is exposed to the mission field, they return home with a greater zeal for missions that is contagious, a greater knowledge of how to pray for their missionary, a greater desire to give to missions, and sometimes even a desire to go themselves. So, in that way...

- CLAIM benefits the local churches at home

The Smiths invite you to join them on a future project and experience all of this yourself!


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Connect Trips

BIMI's short-term missions program offers many different trips. By joining a Connect team, individuals will have an opportunity to use their talents and abilities for the cause of Christ.

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