Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Dr. Ron White

Dr. Ron White has been a part of worldwide missions since 1964, serving as a church planter in Japan for 34 years and serving as the president of Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School.

After 35 years of service with BIMI, Ron was led to expand and enlarge his ministry. Although Ron’s burden and love for Japan had not decreased, God enlarged his vision for the world. He was called to missionary service at the age of 12 and has the absolute assurance that this is a lifetime call.

Ron graduated from Tennessee Temple University in 1963 with a major in Bible and sacred music. In 1985 he received a master’s degree from Tennessee Temple Baptist Seminary.

Since his wife, Odessa, was called home to heaven, Ron’s ministry to missionaries has expanded around the world. He has been involved in starting Bible colleges in Eastern Europe, South America, and Mexico.

In his current ministry, Ron is still actively involved in Japan and although he does not permanently reside there, he does spend a significant time ministering to the Japanese churches on a regular basis, preaching in churches throughout Japan and continuing to serve the Kansai Independent Bible College as President Emeritus. He assists the current Japanese president in various events, such as the yearly Bible Conference, annual Christmas Concert, etc. He also schedules speakers, musicians, etc., and travels with them and serves as the Japanese interpreter for all the various meetings.

When in the States, Ron is kept busy with mission conferences in local Baptist churches. In addition, he also is active in preaching and teaching modular courses in several Bible colleges. Ron also serves on a regular basis in training nationals in several different nations of the world. He goes regularly to teach, preach, and assist both nationals and missionaries throughout Asia (Japan, Philippines, etc.).

Ron has served several times as replacement pastor for missionaries who need a short furlough and he would be available to do so in the future, especially in Japanese-speaking ministries. Ron has also been active in traveling with BIMI directors, speaking in various field conferences, etc. He is willing and eager to represent and serve BIMI in any way.

Ron's desire is to remain fully active in serving believers in the States and on the mission field and to be wholeheartedly involved in the Great Commission to go into all the world and to teach them to observe all things. Second Timothy 2:2 is one of the guiding principles of his life.

Contact Dr. Ron White
2345 Standifer Gap Road
Chattanooga, TN 37412


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Far East Director

David & Jenny Harris

More about the Harris family.
Cell: 770-656-4917
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BIMI office: (423) 344-5050 ex. 2402.