out of a witchdoctor's foot! After which,
the witchdoctor was so grateful, he even
proposed marriage!
Every two months, Martha and other
missionaries traveled nearly fifty miles to get
supplies. This trip would typically take them
two days. Roads were so treacherous that they
often had to repair or make their own road
when the existing roads became impassable.
Through these years, God showed His
great protection in her life. There were times
when poisonous vipers and even a leopard
entered her small house, yet they did not
harm her. Once a herd of elephants came
into the compound to get water from the fifty
gallon water barrels used for the school. Yet,
in all these situations, Martha's faith in God
was undaunted as she saw time and again
His amazing protection in her life.
Martha became a second mother to these children.
Not only did she teach them academically, but she
also gave them the love and security that they
needed. Besides being the schoolteacher, she also
served as the mission station's nurse. Even though
she had no medical training except for first-aid in
college, God gave her wisdom and a good dose
of common sense to know how to handle a wide
variety of diseases and unusual situations, from
tending to severe burns and treating various
stomach disorders, to even getting parasites
14 Although life was at times very difficult
and living conditions primitive, Martha
grew to love her work and people there in
the Congo. She looked forward to visiting in
the Africans' homes, sharing the Gospel with
the Congolese, and joining in their Chiluba
singing on Sundays.
Just when life seemed to be going well,
disaster struck the Congo; rumors began
to grow regarding rebel attacks. News of
possible evacuations began to be heard on
the radio. At this time, the missionaries also
received word from their mission agency,
the Congo Gospel Mission, that the mission
was going to disband. A time of uncertainty
prevailed for Martha and her colleagues.