in many places far from home, loved-ones and friends who care, our servicemen and women
desperately need missionaries to lovingly show Christ to them.
BIMI has seen the need and is acting in obedience to the Lord's command to “preach the Gospel
to every creature.” This includes the more than two million men and women who are now serving
in our Armed Forces. Our service personnel need the Savior. Missionaries can effectively reach
them for Christ and train them for His glory. While our government focuses on the physical fitness
of our forces, BIMI believes the church must concentrate its efforts on strengthening Christian
military personnel with solid Biblical instruction.
They need local churches. The best way to train servicemen and women in the ministry of the
local church is to establish churches near their bases. This is the primary goal of BIMI's Military
ministry. These churches reach both the single service person as well as families.
Military people also need love and concern. The twin problems of loneliness and peer pressure lead
many of our men and women in uniform into drugs, alcohol, and illicit sex. The love and compassion
of a New Testament church nearby their base has been the means of salvation to many young men
and women. Their testimonies tell how appreciative they are for Christian concern.
Finally, the military needs understanding. America must return to a strong patriotic position, and
our service personnel need to know that they are esteemed for the valuable contribution they
are making to our country. BIMI's Military work has demonstrated such respect for our GI's—a
respect that has opened many doors to more effective ministry.
to god be the glory
great things he hath done
Maranatha Baptist Church, Okinawa, Japan