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god at work in the far north The Far North is a land of many extremes, contrasts and breathtaking beauty. The weather is continually a factor as record temperatures range from 100° above zero to 80° below zero. Lifestyles range from subsistence living in small villages of less than 100 people to technologically advanced living in large cities numbering in the millions. There is no way to calculate how many missionaries it would take to evangelize all the towns, villages and cities in the Far North. Close to 34 million souls live in Alaska, Canada and Greenland—many of whom have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Far North missions is not for everyone, but for everyone whom God calls to the Far North there is certainly a place for them. The spiritual and physical climate may be challenging, but the potential of what God can do through a called and surrendered missionary is unlimited. This was wonderfully illustrated when Garland and Reba Cofield and their children settled in Northern Ontario in 1965. They were the first BIMI missionaries to answer God's call to Canada. The Cofields established a church and a Christian school. The church became self-supporting in 1967. The Cofields had a burden to reach young people; they desired to have a place where they could come apart and be taught the Word of God. Garland and Reba found a place to build a youth camp that could only be reached by plane or by the remains of an old logging camp road. Camp of the Woods ministered to thousands of young people. It also became a chief recruiting ministry for Canada. With his airplane, which had not only wheels but also pontoons or skis, Garland was able to reach many Indian villages that would have otherwise never been reached with the Gospel of Christ. Since the planting of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Dryden, Ontario, there have been approximately 25 other churches established in Canada and Alaska. Presently there are 15 families and 5 singles serving in the Far North. Others who have served in Canada and Alaska in the past were called of the Lord to another part of His harvest field. Please pray about your role in getting the Gospel to the area of God's harvest field that BIMI calls “The Far North.” to god be the glory great things he hath done 19