of Transit
A Time
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A Time o
By Michael Edwards, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of BIMI
June 8, 2010, was a day of great importance to Baptist International Missions, Incorporated. On that
day not only did we celebrate 50 years of service to the Lord in the matter of world missions, we also
inaugurated a new president of BIMI. Dr. James Ray, who has faithfully led our organization for
many years, is transitioning into the ministry of International Representative for the 100 Nations
Project and the International Bible Ministry, while Dr. David Snyder has assumed the position of
President and General Director.
This time of transition is of great importance to our Mission. The steady hand and the inspiring
vision that Dr. Ray has provided will not be easily replaced. However, Dr. Snyder will have the Spirit
of God to lead and provide him with a vision for the continued work of BIMI. Transition means
change. Sometimes in our current cultural and political climate we can be suspect of change. It is
comforting to remember that even though persons in leadership may change, God and His Word
never change. BIMI was founded by godly men who stood for the authority of the Word of God and
the local church. Our foundation on those truths will not change. In her wonderful history of BIMI
entitled Embracing the World, Dr. Mary Ray states “On September 29, 1959 a special committee
meeting of the Congo Gospel Mission, later to become BIMI, was held in the office of Dr. Lee
Roberson. The purpose of that meeting was defined as being ‘to survey
the possibility of broadening the sphere of the work of the Congo
Gospel Mission to embrace the world needs.' ” The principle of that
meeting is still guiding the ministry of BIMI today: to embrace
the need of this world to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr.
Snyder is genuinely humbled by his selection to lead the work of
the Mission. He is approaching it in the same spirit of prayer and
dependence upon God as did Solomon when he took the place of
his father, David. BIMI has experienced transition in leadership
before. Each occasion has been wonderfully blessed because there
was careful deliberation in seeking the will of God. The Board of
Trustees acted deliberately and prayerfully in this present
matter and unanimously voted in favor of Dr. Snyder
for the office of President and will vigorously
support him as he assumes leadership.
There are many ways we all can support Dr.
Snyder. The most important is to regularly
lift him up in prayer. Pray that God will give
him understanding as he leads men and
women of great experience and passion for
the work of God. Pray that God will give him
wisdom in the matters of administration that
will come before him. Pray that he will be
discerning, compassionate, firm and clear in
communicating his vision. Of course, not
only should we pray for Dr. Snyder, but also
2 BIMI WORLD – Number 2, 2010