bility Durin
Sta of Change
Times by Jim Butler, International Office Director
“And…they sent them away” (Acts 13:3). When Paul and
Barnabas left their beloved brethren in the church at Antioch,
they had no idea of all that was to change in their lives over the
next few years, but they surely
Last year I was preparing the paperwork were grateful for the stability
for a student visa to France for language
their church would give them.
school. The application required several
documents in both English and French,
guaranteeing health insurance and
monthly income. All of this was cared
for by Brother Butler and Linda Bates,
and I was able to get my visa without
any trouble.
In much the same way,
missionaries in the 21st
century begin a life of
transition as they launch out
into their divine calling–
Becky Pope—Côte d'Ivoire
deputation, language training
and transition to a new culture.
Then, after a tour on the field, they are back to their churches,
reporting and raising additional prayer support and funds.
These beloved men and women need stability in these times of
transition! The home office of Baptist International Missions, Inc., serves
these gallant soldiers of the Lord. BIMI never replaces the sending
church, but instead serves both church and missionary. Most
pastors and church members from the 8,000 churches supporting
missionaries through BIMI would be amazed at the level of help
the missionaries receive from the staff at the mission headquarters.
22 I remember when we were getting
our Will done at the home office, the
secretaries stayed late to help us get
them done. They seemed happy to
do it and never complained.
Todd and Kim Lapato—Austria