of other correspondence needs. Trays of mail flow in and out of the WMC on a
daily basis. Donation receipts, prayer letters, packages and other missionary mail
are posted to 100 countries around the world. More than 350,000 pieces of mail are
handled by the WMC staff each year.
The Bible speaks of a prophet's comfort and even a refreshing cup of water. The
80 acre campus of BIMI has over 40 prophet chambers. The testimony of the God
we serve rests on some very dedicated individuals who maintain the grounds and
buildings. What if the grass were not mowed or the
Dot and I do indeed over these more than 42
missionary lodgings not maintained or the WMC
years appreciate the work of the home office. As
building (which is over the length of a football
it is when your car is running well you do not
field) never repaired? What if the beds were never
think a whole lot about it. Unfortunately this
can be the way it is with the home office. During made or laundry never washed and rooms never
these years for us they have not missed a note.
cleaned? They are always there, always serving the Lord
faithfully on our behalf. We are very grateful.
It would not take long to recognize that those who
work hard behind the scenes are very important
people. Those serving our guests and the staff at
the WMC are on call 24/7. Cleaning the guest rooms, preparing food for events and
vacuuming the 48,000 square foot WMC are never ending tasks for this great group
of God's servants.
Jack and Dot Moorman—England
The Lord has given BIMI a wonderfully dedicated maintenance staff. The people
who care for our landscaping are second to none. The individuals who oversee
the building projects and maintain these facilities are a team that only God could
develop. All on this team have served on the foreign field as missionaries and now
serve missionaries as supported missionaries themselves. For those of you who
faithfully support anyone at the home office…Thank you!
There is much to do to organize the many volunteer helpers who come from
churches all across America. Volunteers may work in the extensive, well-developed
Candidate School the new missionary attends or the boot camp (CAMP BIMI)
for those who feel God may be directing them into missions or build a mission
cottage for retired or furloughing missionaries. It may be to help during the Action
Conference for World Evangelization that brings pastors and Christian laymen onto
the campus of the WMC for advice and guidance. This is a busy place but here the
Left to Right: Ruth Dwire (MK Educational
Services); Glenda Williams (MK Programs);
Dot Rosser (Volunteer); Joan Moody (Missionary
Hostess); Ernie Fritz (Housekeeping); Hazel
Mitchell (Missionary Hostess)