We love Brother Ernie at the home office.
He knows us by name, he knows where
we serve and we are made to feel special
because of his concern for us.
Marvin and Jewell Wright—Uganda
missionary knows he or she can find stability
in times of transition.
BIMI is 50 years old this year. Through all
these years, the home office staff has been the
unsung and little recognized hero. However,
the missionaries know that the stability of
what is going on in Chattanooga helps them
while they are getting to the field, serving
on the field or returning to the field after
a furlough. Many pastors also know that
without the expertise and experience of the
WMC and the personnel associated with it,
their job as a sending pastor would be much
more difficult—consumed with tedious details
and the constant reinventing of the wheel.
What a lovely place! What a busy, active
place! What a rock in a time of transition!
Thank God for the home office of BIMI!
Mrs. Moody has always gone out of her
way to make me feel welcome whenever I
stay at the World Missions Center. Having
a safe place to stay is a blessing to me—
and a relief to my family!
Betsy Reznor—Canada
God's Provision Through Insurance
by Jim Butler
Kristy and Tony Applegate are BIMI missionaries
in Uganda. Kristy was expecting their fourth child.
There were complications with the pregnancy and
development of the baby that required a return to
the States. They were ready to leave Uganda by air
with their other children, ages 5, 3 and 2. Three of
the Stensaas men, fellow missionaries in Uganda,
were also flying to the States on the same flight.
Kristy was told just before they were to leave that
she could not make the flight without endangering
her life and the baby's. The Applegates sent their
children, accompanied by the Stensaas men, to
their grandparents in the States.
MedAire (Aetna's insurance contract for medical
emergency evacuations) was called in to help. Kristy
and Tony were flown to South Africa. Kristy gave
birth to a premature baby
girl, Elysse. Elysse had to
remain in the hospital
for several weeks. Aetna
provided for the hospital
costs plus the lodging
expenses for Kristy and
Tony until Elysse was
released. As soon as
the baby was released,
MedAire flew mom, dad
and baby back to the States
Dr. E.C. Sheehan, last living
where they were reunited
founding trustee of BIMI,
holding Elysse Applegate
with their children.