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Haiti Fast Facts: Our ministry has not only concentrated on the immediate physical needs but also on the spiritual. We have been able to preach in several churches. Five people have been saved in these services. Since that initial trip, I have made 5 additional trips across the border, includ- ing a trip to Cape Haitian and Limbe. There I ministered to many injured and displaced Haitians who have left Port-au-Prince. Many members from our church in the Dominican Republic are from this area of Haiti and still have family there. We have been able to take supplies and money to these people who now live 2-3 families per home. Many of these families are caring for injured family members. A number of displaced Haitians from Port-au-Prince are migrating to the Dominican Republic. Some have made their way to our city of Jarabacoa. We are helping our Haitian church members care for orphaned children who have come to our area. Our Haitian church ministry has really come forward to help other Haitians across the border. We are in the process of rebuilding homes for some Baptist pastors, as well as many destroyed or damaged churches. There are currently 70 projects in need of our attention. We will continue to work to alleviate the suffering of our neighbors as funds are available. Offerings for these projects have dwindled with time. It seems that when it is no longer front page news, people tend to forget, yet the need continues. Seeing such a great need has renewed our vision to reach the Haitian people as well as the Dominican people. Please continue to pray for our ministries in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti. An estimated 2 million people live within the zone of heavy to moderate structural damage 80% of population live below the poverty line 54% live in abject poverty roughly half of the population practices voodoo Jeff and fellow missionary John Webb with Haitian children CIA World Factbook Jeff instructing a group of pastors on how to assemble water filters Traci separating tarps for distribution BIMI WORLD – Number 3, 2010 15